Heehee, lazy la but I promised I will..soon!
Its the exam period now, have one exam on the 15, then 19 and 20th June! The 19 and 20th one will so kill me cause they're heaps n heaps to study!!
Have so many things to update you guys about! I'll attempt to do so briefly now, and when the exams are over..I'll tell you more k? =)
1) Ok, first stop. My outings with my keeper friends from 21 - 24 may were awesome! I followed them to visit the Melbourne zoo, and got to go behind the scenes with them! I must say the Melbourne zoo's bkstage is really impressive as compared to Night Safari's. Its so clean and presentable, that if any President drop in on them at any time, they'll be well prepared. Hee, in night safari ah..ours like kampong! It feels like CNY in the village when you go around cycling to visit the other sections. Haha, but more of that next time. Will post pictures up as well!
Oh, and got to catch up with mulyadi as well! Sweet!!
2) Congrats on Geraldine for getting the job as part-time animal keeper in Night safari holding area! Haha! I gave her quite a surprise when I specifically told a few of my keeper friends to say hi to her. Glad she had a rousing welcome! Haha, she told me that they've called her the 2nd janice now, and asked her to choose her moat!
Gera, its real fun being dumped in the moat! Seriously! Haha, adds to the list of crazy stuff you've done before, or rather your friends do to you..heehee. Glad you're liking the job, and seeing my passion for it. Though I must admit, I'm a tad jealous cause you're experiencing what I want to continue doing now! I miss my keeper friends badly, plus the animals as well. Please do constantly update me on whats going on! Haha, not that I don't have friends who do that as well, but its good to know it from your perspective!
Haiz..the crazy times in night safari..i sorely miss.
Though the job was tiring, the passion inside burn, if only people could see how much I love my job....
I won't be able to take it if one day I'm not allowed to do this.
3) Anyway, moving on to happier things. On 6th of june, another keeper friend will be coming over! But its only for 6 hours cause he's stopping over at melbourne to transit to Tasmania! The bad thing is that he's coming at 4am!! Yikes! I'll think of something somehow. Transport to the airport ain't cheap at all, and 6 hours is too short a time to do anything! Plus its too early. Sigh, another dilemma.
4) Last week, I helped Joanne dye her front portion of her hair bright pink! She looks awesome!! My blue hair didn't work out!! The blue dye didn't stick at all, cause I guess the bleaching didn't work out that well. So my hair is still black with streaks of light brown peeking through. Haha, I wasn't satisfied at all! So, I took whatever that was left of joanne's dye and did it to a small part of my long fringe (if that's called a fringe at all). It didn't stick well too, so it just looks light red. But fair enough! At least there's colour! I think its due to my hair texture. It isn't as porous as Joanne's. Nvrm, haha, after the exams!!! Try again.
Here's a picture to add colour to the post. Tried capturing the red streaks, but to no avail. You peeps should come over and see me instead!
That'll be a better idea.

Thats about it. You'll not hear from me for quite some time!! I should start studying which I did today. Quite a huge improvement from last time, cause I usually just start the day before the exam. But its different in uni, there's just so MUCH to study! Multitudes and multitudes of information. I hope I can get it all in.
I've been here for barely 4 months, and its exam period. Bummer.
Oh! and those of you back in Singapore. Please do go for the Rock for Wayne concert. I'm not coming back to Singapore, so do go for me please! Tickets can be bought at the websites I posted in my previous posts. The tribute page of Waynethunder.com.

Do go and tell me about it! I would so love to be there.
See ya for now!
Lotsa love and kisses to you guys. =)
Hey Jan, sounds like school is keepping you busy. Sorry about the job change but no doubt something better is in the wings. Keep looking up and expecting the best. Was so happy you got something from Jesus out of my blog.
You may enjoy my last couple posts - we all need each other on the road...to life His life...
Jan, let me know what you think of Junes postings
Talk later,
The Story Teller
hey janice, jiayou for ur exam wor!! you can do it de!! :) just to tell u, u are remembered by me!! i also have an exam next wk... so let's jiayou together!! :) anyway, hope u enjoy ur studylife there!
haha, I didn't know u had an exam til I asked HL about it! Wah, so hardworking! Holiday time also take module. You're admired deeply mann.
I'm suffering now. Cause my brain seems to want to play. It refuses to absorb anything at all. Yikes!
Anyway..Jia you also!!
=) Love me!
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