For dessert we had Fried Ice Cream, Mango and Lychee sorbet, Green Tea Ice Cream (which I thought was the best of all of them, so rich and creamy and mmm), and one more, I kinda forgot the name, but its the chef's own special, made from many kinds of nuts including pistachio and some other spices. That was soooo good as well. Oh, not to forget, the Fried Ice Cream was topped with fresh strawberry jam mixed with wine. Sweet but oh so yummy. I want to eat it NOW! Heh.
Oh well, moving on..half way through dinner, I realised it was Joanne's birthday that day! I called her handphone only to realise she was home. I was like why are you staying home on your birthday!?!!! I shall not allow this!
And the result was her being dragged to this club called Lavish which has close to the worst R&B music. Ok, so I'm just bias towards BLVD. Fine, it doesn't have the worst R&B music, there's just nothing spectacular about the mixes. There were many anti-climaxes where you couldn't do any dancing, but just stand around and look bored. The only consolation were the friends and the view of the Yarra River. Oh oh! Not to forget, free entry and champagne for ladies before 11pm. Other than that, I'll never step in again. Bad memories.
And I know Joanne hates hip hop or anything to do with R&B for that matter, so I took it upon myself to entertain her. Haha, I danced on the podium just for the birthday girl, and the night turned better after all. She kept saying she had fun after that!! Haha, lo and behold, she's coming to BLVD this saturday to pre-celebrate HR's 21st birthday!!
Some random pics taken.
Ian, Joanne, Chik, Tavis.

Angie, me, and my ever so persistent pimple outbreak. ARGH!!!

I loveee this pic. I look so glamorous with that lime. Reminds me of that Sunkist commercial.

That Lavish night was one to remember! Cause other than the podium dancing, tensions were high among certain people in the group. Group chemistry has changed. =( Gotta do some reassortment for the time being. Oh, and to top it all off, there were 2 fights outside the club. Childish. Tsk tsk.
Anyway, Saturday was spent recooperating from the traumatic night on Friday, but it was also in preparation for Sunday! Ling's friend was going to bring Ling, me and a few other friends for winery visiting at King Valley! (We rented an 8 seater SUV for the road trip, SUPER BIG!!). Anyway, for this visit, cause she's aiming to be a global distributor of wines, its her passion. Whereas Ling's just tagging along cause she needs to top up her wine supplies, and as for me, some fresh air would be good!
I know nuts about wines! But it was a good experience. I learned a LOT. From red wines, to white wines to dessert wines, to the preservatives, to the grapes, to the climate, soil and variety that contributes to the ultimate taste. There's more than meets the eye!
Walking to the wine cellar in Pizzini.

A pity its winter, so the rows and rows of grape vines are just bare. I can't imagine how it'll look in spring or summer! It must be beautiful.

In the whole journey, I learnt how to appreciate wine. However, what I was more interested in was the scenary! The vast open green pastures with grazing cattle, sheep, chickens, the works. The blue sky, the winter breeze that tells of the approaching spring, the smell of fresh dew, the barren trees that hold on to promise of the coming warmth of a new season. And me, taking in the sights, sounds and smells. Too overwhelming for me to contain. Makes me ever more sure I'm not meant to be confined to the science laboratory, or in lecture theatres for that matter of fact.

When I look at your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
and the son of man that you care for him?
Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor.
You have given him dominion over the works of your hands;
you have put all things under his feet,
all sheep and oxen,
and also the beasts of the field,
the birds of the heavens,
and the fish of the sea,
whatever passes along the
paths of the seas.
O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Psalms 8: 3 - 9

Here we are, all tired out from all the wine-tasting.

The last stop was a Cheese Factory!! The cheese was good, but the chocolates in there were the best!! I bought this beer chocolate for 4 bucks. Tasted so good. Half beer, half chocolate. Yummy! Pity it was only a small slice. If only I had the money, I'd buy one of every kind of chocolate they have there! Mmmm.
Chocolate will be my downfall one day.

It was a well-spent weekend. Have never jam packed so many activites inside one before. Good times I'll remember a long time to come!
my dear girl..
what happened to your face?
please eat more fruits and drink more water...!
take care kz!
woah...that a a SERIOUSLY loooonnnngg entry after your sudden disappearance! i thot your blog was rotting alr! ok.. maybe it was... but finally!!... you revived it!
gera: HAha..ok I will!! Don't know wat happen la, think my face still stress from the climate change plus not enough water plus bad habits..thats why it all accumulated to something bad lor.. =( Hope it goes away soon..sigh...the troubles of growing up..
Huilin: hahaah.. told you to watch out for a long entry... So long never update of course long was rotting la.. q a chore to blog eh..and you should knw by now since you've started one urself!
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