Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Euphoria - a feeling of elation/happiness, exaggerated in pathological states as mania

Its 10.30 am now, and my hectic weeks are officially over til the exams in june!!! Whee!!!

Seriously, I've never studied so hard for an MCQ test before. Pure, intense studying for 5 days straight, trying to cram like 20 freaking chapters of Immunology. Was on the verge of insanity. The multitudes of facts were just too much to bear.

But, I'm to blame anyway. I haven't been listening in class at all. Haha, when I look at my notes, I'm in horror, cause they're all blank!! Seriously, its like I've got Immune lectures 3 times a week, but it seems that the 3 hours are permanently blocked out from my memory. All I know is that by the time I snap out of my "stoning", the lecture's just about over, and I'm like "That's fast..". Occasionally, my notes have scribblings which I don't remember writing at all. Sometimes they're just ramblings, or a mixture of what the lecturer said, metamorphasized into stories of flowers, love, and robots.

Anyway, its over!! I thought I did pretty well for the test. I borrowed the textbook, copied down all the information onto my notes, and made sure I understood the whole thing. Oh well, I did my best!
God can do everything else. =)

May's going to be a good month! I've got so many things to be happy for.

1) My tests are finally over!! So, its tons of partying and chilling and going crazy!

2) I'm done with almost all my assignments except for 1 which I'm about 3/4 done.

and the only real fact that makes may an awesome month is that...

3)Some of my colleagues from the Night Safari are coming over from may 18 - 24!!! How awesome is that!! They're coming for some keepers' conference. I'm sooooooo excited. The anticipation is driving me absolutely insane. When I see them at the airport, I'll probably run and jump into their arms, give them a BIG hug and kiss them all over. I've been jumping around my room the last few hours after knowing they're coming. Freakin' Awesome.

I'm not close to all of them, but at least my closest friend in Night Safari is coming! WHOO!!! Sorry for all the exclamation marks, but even as I type this, I'm quivering with excitement. woOHOO!!!

Haha, oh well, enough of my nonsense. Here are some random pics.

Too bad the picture can't relate the size of the crow, but compared to Singapores' crows, melbourne ones are HUMONGOUS!! Plus, they're so irritating as well. They're way louder than the ones back home, and the worst thing is that, they seem to like to perch at the top of my apartment and start crowing at the top of their lungs. I get waken at ungodly hours by these stupid birds. No sense of timing. Tsk tsk. But then again, my sleeping hours are also as screwed. =) As you can see, they're like half the size of the tyre! But the picture doesn't give it justice. Come here to melbourne and see them yourselves! I'll gladly welcome you as well!! =D

And as usual, doodles on my lecture notes. Immune lectures to be exact.

Still recovering from my pimple outbreak, and I think I'm growing fat! Goodness.


Anonymous said...

EH i just used that word before i slpt last night! hahaha im glad your test is over, my exams are over in 2days! YEAHHHHHH

Anonymous said...

hey!! i just finished my exams!! AHHHH.... im a free girl now!! haha...

JAN said...

to Ade: Haha, one by one, all your exams will be over!! and You can celebrate with me!! Whee!! Haha, anyway, I thought u finished your exams already!!

Oh well, all the best my dear girl!

JAN said...

to Huilin:

Haha, Welcome back to your social life!!

Its time to partyyyy!!!! =)))

Eh, come here soon eh, then I can bring you to see the world. Haha..

Anonymous said...

sadly, its otherwise. all my friends are done today. ive yet to find another poor soul like me. haha

Anonymous said...

jan ~!! you know my interviewer.. is tt guy you showed me on friendster..tt desmond ling guy..lol..super farnie..!!

my interview was so fast.. cus its part-time and he said he didnt have much to ask about me..they will call me back this week..

and yar, he said you were previously in his dept..the giraffe..