I wont touch about the exams, but the partying ok. =)
Its been getting colder every week, but there was one particular day where it was just EXTREMELY cold and foggy. It was so foggy, that visibility was like 30 metres. Almost got robbed, but thanks to this guy who came out from the fog and told me not to walk ahead cause he almost got robbed just 10 metres away by teenagers standing against the wall, and blending into the fog. Luckily, he was huge, and he challenged to take all of them on. They backed off, and we both walked to the tram station together.
So one lesson learnt: No walking alone on an extremely foggy day.
Pictures from outside my house.

You can hardly make out the Royal Melbourne Hospital up ahead.

I did my nails after the exams!! Haha, wanted to do stripes but cause the brush was so thick, when I painted, like half of my nail turned black!! So I gave up, and did BIG polka dots using the cotton bud and small dots using the stapler bullets.

Nice?!?!!?!?! Haha, so proud of myself. Heehee.

Then off to the first party on Friday night. Jen invited me to some Monash Uni party at Billboard in Chinatown. The music ain't as good as BLVD, and the crowd was ok only. But all in all, it was good to catch up with him after 3 months of absence.
He's the suburb boy, while I'm the city girl!

I pulled Dave along with me since he'll be returning to the US on Tuesday. Haha, can't believe we're still friends man. We just randomly met each other on the street. He's an exchange student from Boston. Good to know you! =) I'll go visit Boston one day, so bring me around!

Then Saturday was when the real party began! Haha, its partying with my melbourne family, and some extended people!! Post exam party, and somebody's farewell in BLVD!! My favourite place. The crowd, the music, the company. Awesome mix. Had a BLAST.

Jagabombs!! The liquor's to get you high fast, and the red bull's to give you energy to dance the night away! Too bad I was a tad slow in taking the video, but Tavis threw an ice cube, and hit the first red bull glass into the liquor below, and mannnn..dominos!!! SO COOL!!!

Ian and me.

Me and Ling, and don't know what she doing. When you're just happy that exams are over, I guess anything goes. You'd even gladly kiss the plant or do some random thing, and it'll make you happy. Its called Cheap Thrill.
Ok, too many people to name already, so I give up. But the farewell girl is the one wearing green. She's going back to Indonesia for good!
Tequila cheers! except for Ling. Her's Lemon drop.
Ling, Jan, Steph. Going crazy already.
Sanly bought so many bottles of champagne for her farewell. Good stuff, but it went to the head just as fast.
And she made this 5 sec, 10 sec rule thing where you had to drink non-stop from the bottle for 5 seconds!
Luckily, she only made me drink 3. Phew!
See, she so happy. Glad you had fun!
And all the exam stress was released.
I had soooo much fun last night. Won't go into details, but thank you everybody for making it the most awesome night ever. Not like you guys would ever see my post, cause I only give my blog to like less than 10 people in Singapore. Muahahaha!..private person I am. But nonetheless, thank you for looking after me. =)
I love you guys!
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lolikneri havaqatsu
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