Friday, September 14, 2007

HR's pre-21st birthday celebration at BLVD

This was held on 11th August, and his birthday was on 14th August.

I felt that since it was his first time living away from home and huilin, and unable to celebrate his 21st birthday with them, I thought I'd make it memorable for him at the very least! Plus, 21st birthdays are treated VERY seriously in australia!! Usually, they'll have a big party where friends and family gather, and the birthday girl/boy would have to give speeches and all. But thats beside the point.

And so!, his impromptu celebration was held at BLVD.. (again??!!). Looks like I can never get enough of this place. I'm quite reluctant to suss out other places cause its like once you've experienced a place with good music, you're scared that if you go to another place, it'll fall short of your expectations entirely, which would so put a damper on the night. Anyway, I got together some friends, and there we were just trying to give him a good time.

Jagabombs as usual. Showed him what it was, and how it was done..domino style!

Me, Zi Xin, Wern Yii and HR.

Zi Xin is HR's primary school friend. HR and I were just walking in uni one day, when we heard from afar, "PAY HONG RUI!!!!!", and we were like..who on earth is that!?! Haha, it was pretty funny. Turns out she's a really cool girl who knows how to let loose when the event calls for it. So it was pri sch reunion time for the both of them after like many years of hiatus in their friendship.

HR and his Bacardi 151s. Thats a killer drink if you can't take liquor.
We were trying to get him really high, but turns out this guy can drink cause the navy taught him well. Bleah.

Marlin and me. He's a poly student that came in this semester. We're taking the same modules except for one. Really friendly guy, glad I met him! His first time clubbing here as well.

More pictures of the suakus.

Oh. Picture with the birthday boy.

BLVD's bar counter. HR was trying to get a picture of the bar girl, cause she was really hot, but he missed! Bummer.

Wern Yii, Zi Xin , Deasy, Angie, and me.


Me having fun on the podium.

The indo gang!! Absolutely loveeee them!! Super nice pple, and never fail to help me when I'm in trouble. There's christine, angie, alfan, deasy and willy.

Ahh!..i love angie! She's my bestie in melbourne la. Naughty girl, but i love her. Haha, i hope she's coming to visit singapore in december!!

Oh. and here's HR looking fed up waiting outside the toilet for a someone. Heehee. I thk he waited for close to an hour.

Nevertheless, Happy early birthday!

From reviews the next day, he told me he had a rockin' good time. Viola! All thanks to moi. =)


Anonymous said...

eh janice chan.. i realised ur clubbing poses all the well as ur outfit.. are u trying to hint us to fedex more clothes over? hahaha.. and can try more poses anot..instead of the rocker style..abit weird la.. =D

anyways, we can't wait for u to head back to NS.. if you're coming back and want the PT job, please kindly email Kumar or inform kughan about it. =D

miss you lostsa!!!

JAN said... just so happen tt everytime i blog about a big event..all the same outfit..cant help it right?!?! other small parties tt i dun blog..hahaa.. always wear like shit.. and i cant help it mah!!.. i like my rocker pose.. =D and..i look nicer w one eye closed!! i told u already..haiyah... hahhhahaa..

eh..anyway.. when do i email kumar?

Anonymous said...

kug said..

email him 1 mth b4 ur coming back and 1 wk b4 ur arriving in singapore. as we all know, *he might be a lil forgetful and to minimise the possibility of you not having a section to attach to. =)

he do read his emails on time, so don't worry about emailing =D

haha..act lor u, rocker.. no lor, ur both eyes should be wide open..your eyes are already so tiny with the flash..lOL